Section 127. Conversion.

(1) If any person wishes to be admitted to the Religion of Islam he shall repeat the Confession of Faith, or Dua Kalimah Shahadah, before any Muslim and shall thereafter appear before the Kathi of the district in which he ordinarily resides.

(2) The Kathi shall make enquiry as to the age of such person and as to his desire to be admitted to the Religion of Islam and shall, of satisfied that he is fourteen years and seven months of age or more and desires to be so admitted, send him to the custody of the Department.

(3) Such person shall, notwithstanding any right to his custody vested in any other person or body, be and remain in the custody of the Department for a period of three months. The Department shall defray out of the Fund of the Department the expenses of having him in its custody and also the cost of his board, lodging, instruction and incidental expenses during the said period of three months.

(4) At the expiration of the said period of three months the convert shall cease to be in the custody of the Department, and the Department shall, if the convert so requests, defray the cost of his return to the custody of his lawful guardian.

(5) If the Kathi is of opinion that the applicant is under the age of fourteen years and seven months, he shall cause him to be returned to his lawful guardian and he shall be deemed not to have been converted to the Religion of Islam.

(6) The Kathi shall report all action taken by him under the provisions of this section to the State Secretary and, if the convert was previously a Christian, to the British Adviser. In every such report the Kathi shall state whether in his opinion the convert made the Confession of Faith willingly or against his will.

(7) Nothing in this section contained shall operate to permit any minor to be taken from the custody of his or her natural or lawful guardian without the consent of such natural or lawful guardian

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