Distribution of Harta Sepencarian

Section 122. Power of Court to order distribution of harta sepencarian

(1) The Court shall have power, when permitting the pronouncementof talaq or when making an orderof divorce, to order the division between the parties of any assets acquired by them during their marriage by their joint efforts or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.

(2) In exercising the power conferred by subsection (l), the Court shall have regard to- and, subject to those considerations, the Court shall incline towards equality of division.

(3) The Court shall have power, when permitting the pronouncement of talaq or when making an order of divorce, to order the division between theparties of any assets acquiredduring themarriage by the sole efforts of one party to the marriage or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.

(4) In exercising the powers conferred by subsection (3), the Court shall have regard te- and, subjectto thoseconsideration, the Courtmay divide the assets or the proceeds of sale in such proportions as the Court deems reasonable, but in any case the party by whose efforts the assets were acquired shall receive a greater proportion.

(5) For the purposes of the section,.references to assets acquired during amarriage by one party include assets owned before the marriage by one party that have been substantially improved during the mzrnage by the other party or by their joint efforts.

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